Digital tools to enhance teaching for teachers in the postgraduate program of dentistry in the specialization of maxillofacial radiology

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Esteban Eduardo Espinoza-Criollo
Paula Graciela Grefa-Quisahuan


At Hemisferios University's postgraduate program in dentistry, specializing in maxillofacial radiology, located in the city of Quito, it has been observed that teachers, upon becoming acquainted with educational digital tools, do not effectively use them with students. As a result, the teaching-learning process becomes unattractive and traditional, lacking interactive and meaningful education.

Given the emergence of new educational paradigms such as artificial intelligence (AI) and information and communication technologies (ICT), it is essential to incorporate changes in teaching-learning processes to align with the comprehensive education of students.

In addition to acquiring knowledge in their respective areas, teachers must achieve an optimal level of digital competencies. The use of ICT applied in education should foster collaborative and meaningful learning. Therefore, it is essential to emphasize the importance of providing a technological literacy training plan for teachers, considering current trends that facilitate students' general access to multiple mobile applications, devices, and tablets, among others. Hence, it is considered necessary for teachers to appropriately handle technological tools, considering new changes and advancements in informatics.


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How to Cite
Espinoza-Criollo, E. ., & Grefa-Quisahuan, P. . (2024). Digital tools to enhance teaching for teachers in the postgraduate program of dentistry in the specialization of maxillofacial radiology . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 954-962.
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Author Biographies

Esteban Eduardo Espinoza-Criollo, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My professional title is a Lic. in Radiology, I obtained a diploma in Maxillofacial Radiology and one in Dentistry and 3D Imaging, I have 2 years of experience in the field of Maxillofacial and Oral Radiology, I have extensive knowledge in all dental design software and Cone Beam tomography. I am a trainer in the area of digital radiology in the dentistry graduate program at the Universidad Hemispheres of Ecuador.

Paula Graciela Grefa-Quisahuan, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My professional title is a Bachelor of Science in Early Education, I have 7 years of experience working in MIES Child Development Centers carrying out early stimulation activities and recreational activities for the cognitive development of children. I have extensive knowledge in the cognitive, socio-affective, and language therapy areas, early stimulation of children from 1 to 3 years old and directed tasks for primary school children.


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