Business model as a digital platform for searching alternative markets for the export of Ecuadorian products.

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Estibaliz Amaranta López-Almache
Johan Emmanuel Miranda-Jimenez
Miriam Rocio Farez-Arias


The research topic on the digital business model for the exportation of traditional Ecuadorian products was highly relevant in an increasingly digitized world. The significance lay in the need to leverage digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to enhance the competitiveness of traditional products in international markets and ensure sustainable economic growth for Ecuador. This work was developed with the main objective of creating a business model as a digital platform, utilizing artificial intelligence, with the purpose of boosting the search for alternative markets and facilitating the exportation of traditional Ecuadorian products. Theoretical and empirical methods have been employed, including the historical-logical method to break down the problem and the analytical-synthetic method to better understand the elements of the alternative market search process. The inductive-deductive method has been used to analyze interactions in the exportation system. Regarding empirical methods, quantitative information will be obtained through in-depth interviews, content analysis, and participant observation with exporting companies and relevant actors. The results presented by the business model, developed through software, indicated alternative markets to which users could gain access in case their primary market failed, thus streamlining the exportation process. It was concluded that the development of this model enhances the search for alternative markets, thereby facilitating the exportation of traditional Ecuadorian products.


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How to Cite
López-Almache , E., Miranda-Jimenez , J. ., & Farez-Arias , M. (2024). Business model as a digital platform for searching alternative markets for the export of Ecuadorian products. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 281-296.
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Author Biographies

Estibaliz Amaranta López-Almache , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I have been studying and delving into topics related to foreign trade since 2020, covering subjects on exports, imports, and logistics in foreign trade. Through projects undertaken during my university career, I have kept myself updated on the latest developments in artificial intelligence for about a year and a half. 

Johan Emmanuel Miranda-Jimenez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student at the Technical University of Machala since 2020, I have focused on the study of foreign trade, exploring exports, imports, and logistics through university projects. Additionally, over the last 18 months, I have been updating myself on the latest developments in artificial intelligence, integrating these perspectives to enhance my understanding of global business dynamics. 

Miriam Rocio Farez-Arias , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Professor of the Foreign Trade program at the Technical University of Machala, he taught courses on Electronic Commerce and Computer Tools. I am currently part of the Research Group GRP-025 COMINDEP (International Trade and Productive Development). I have collaborated on several research projects, the last one called the Technological Management Systems and Innovation in companies exporting traditional products in the Province of El Oro, from which several products have been made that have been published in regional magazines. 


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