Measurement of the organizational climate of the corporate MASISA S.A: headquarters in Ecuador and Chile

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María Andrea Navarrete-Zambrano
Roberto Hernández-Sampieri


The study evaluates and compares the organizational climate at MASISA S.A.'s headquarters in Ecuador and Chile. The Psychological Organizational Climate Instrument was applied to 100 employees (28 in Ecuador and 72 in Chile) during the months of May, June and July 2023. The instrument consists of 12 dimensions covering aspects such as companionship, leadership, innovation, job satisfaction, among others. The results indicated that the organizational climate at both sites was rated as very favorable, with an average score of 4.82 on a 5-point scale, with no significant differences between the two countries. However, a notorious difference was observed in the dimension "Perception of effort over performance", suggesting that in Ecuador there is a higher valuation of effort and work performance compared to Chile. These disparities may be influenced by cultural factors or specific work dynamics. The study not only contributes to the understanding of organizational climate in South American contexts, but it is also the first time that this measurement instrument has been used in these two countries, representing a significant advance for future research on the subject in the region.


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How to Cite
Navarrete-Zambrano , A. ., & Hernández-Sampieri , R. . (2024). Measurement of the organizational climate of the corporate MASISA S.A: headquarters in Ecuador and Chile . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 263-280.
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Author Biographies

María Andrea Navarrete-Zambrano , Universidad de Celaya - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer from Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil in 2003. Higher diploma in marketing management from Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil in 2012. Master in business administration/master in business administration (MBA) from the International University of La Rioja in 2018.  She is currently finishing a PhD in Administration and Development at the Universidad Celaya in Mexico. She is the Commercial Manager of Corporativo Masisa S.A. 

Roberto Hernández-Sampieri , Universidad de Celaya - Ecuador

Roberto Hernández Sampieri holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences, a Master's Degree in Administration, a Diploma in Consulting and a PhD in Administration from the University of Celaya. 


He is currently Director of the Research Center at the University of Celaya, Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Administration at the University of Celaya and Director of the Research Center for Administration at the University of Celaya and Director of the Mixed Methods Research Center of the Iberoamerican Communication Association. 


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