Sistematización teórica para estimular la escucha: análisis de la incidencia en el lenguaje académico-científico escrito de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Marketing y Comunicación de la Universidad Ecotec
Contenido principal del artículo
Nowadays, written communication is fundamental in the university context, not only in expressing ideas and information that have involved social, academic, research, and scientific transformations, but it is also the basis of the knowledge society. Therefore, in the present research, we propose a general objective to carry out a theoretical systematization to stimulate listening: Incidence in the academic-scientific written language of the Faculty of Marketing and Communication students at Ecotec University.
It is qualitative-quantitative research where theoretical methods prevail. Such methods include the historical-logical for determining the main theoretical and methodological assumptions. Also, observation and surveys were applied. For the research development, a population of 300 students and a sample of 200 students taking the subjects of Research Methodology and Design of Research Projects were used.
In the academic field, the need for teachers and researchers to use written language appropriately and precisely This paper makes a critical analysis of the importance of written language, the relevance of listening to produce academically and scientifically, as well as the main characteristics of listening in the process of writing academic-scientific texts.
Detalles del artículo

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