The emerging special employment contract in Ecuador, advantages and disadvantages

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Diego Marconi Brito-Salazar
Yudith López-Soria


The Organic Law of Humanitarian Support, published in the Official Registry, Supplement 229, dated June 22, 2020, among other stipulations, instituted measures to face the consequences derived from the health crisis caused by the coronavirus or also called, covid-19. Within this regulation, specifically in its article 19, the figure of the Special Emerging Labor Contract is created, a new type of contract that is added to those already existing in the Ecuadorian Labor Code. Its purpose was to reactivate the economy, improve production in the country and guarantee employment, recognizing rights for both workers and employers. The general objective is to critically review the legal figure of the special emerging labor contract, in order to assess whether said contractual figure has fulfilled the purpose for which it has been created. Points such as the origin and need for the special emerging contract were analyzed; its characteristics, its violation of the principle of job stability and its advantages and disadvantages. A qualitative approach has been applied with scientific methods such as historical-logical, analytical and inductive, and this work was concluded, establishing the advantages and disadvantages of this new contractual modality in labor matters.


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How to Cite
Brito-Salazar, D., & López-Soria, Y. (2022). The emerging special employment contract in Ecuador, advantages and disadvantages. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 380-392.
Author Biographies

Diego Marconi Brito-Salazar, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador

Senior Specialist in Administrative Law


Yudith López-Soria, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador



Master in Criminal Law.

Doctor of Legal Sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, PhD.



Author of several books and scientific articles:


Characterization of the Behavior of Criminality in the Province of Las Tunas, 1990-1998. Cochabamba, Bolivia. December 1999.


Book “Cuban Penal Code”. Collection “The Law available to all”. ONBC editions. Cuba 2011.


Interview on the website Tiempo 21, by journalist Yetel Ricaño, on the criminal legal treatment of drug trafficking in Cuba.


Book: "The evidence and its current treatment within the Latin American Criminal Process", UNIANDES.ISBN 978-9942-8550-9-1.


Book: “The evidence and its current treatment within the Latin American Criminal Process”, in the Spanish Academic Editorial Magazine. eae, The test and its current treatment in the Latin American criminal process. Not having rights is the same as not being able to prove them...ISBN: 978-3-8417-6398-3 Publisher: sorlovskaia. Author: Yudith López Soria. 978-3-8417-6398-3.pdf

Book: “The integral criminal organic code of Ecuador, available to all. “Guiding regulations and infraction in general”. Volume I, 1st edition, ISBN 978-9942-974-19-8, Editorial Jurídica del Ecuador, 2016.


Book: Natural law and environmental law, Collective of authors, 2020.


“How does the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code of Ecuador deal with the Evidence?”


"The Non Bis In Idem Principle, and the Legal Configuration of the crime of Femicide, provided for in the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code of Ecuador".


"The legal configuration of the crime against humanity provided for in the COIP, in clear violation of the non bis in idem principle."


"The legal configuration of the crime of Drug Trafficking in Ecuador opposes the principles in dubio pro reo and the nullun crime nulla poena sine lege".


"A critical view of the criminal legal treatment given to medical malpractice in Ecuador".

Femicide, a hate crime more than just a crime against life.


Is there real homologation in Ecuador of university degrees issued in Cuba?


The illegality. Its presence in civil law.


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